Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
Coffee cherry delivery - This is a continuous variable indicating the amount of coffee
delivered by farmers to CWSs during the 2025 harvest season between February and
August. It is based on the administrative data on coffee delivery. To avoid results sensitivity
to extreme values or data entry errors, the coffee delivery amount will be winsorized at the
99th percentile.
The source of this data is the administrative. The data is recorded automatically on the CWS data system. The data includes the amount of coffee delivered to CWS by individual farmers, the price paid to farmers, the number of transactions, whether a farmer received a transport premium. We do not expect to find a short-term impact of the tree rejuvenation schemes on the delivery volumes coffee. Coffee delivery volume is treated as a long-term outcome, given that implementation of stumping techniques will only result in increase produce volume over an average of 2-3 years.
Trust in CWS - These are indices that take a value between 0 and 10, where 0 reflects no
trust at all and 10 indicates full trust. These indices involve trust in CWS RM, CWS promises,
CWS management, and CWS farmers.
Take-up of Lime and Fertilizer – a separate binary variable for lime and fertilizer indicating whether the farmer came to the CWS to pick-up freely distributed inputs in September 2023 essential to tree stumping.