In Search of the Rosendahl Effect Experimental Evidence on the Banking Behaviour of EU ETS Participants

Last registered on October 19, 2024


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In Search of the Rosendahl Effect Experimental Evidence on the Banking Behaviour of EU ETS Participants
Initial registration date
October 16, 2024

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
October 19, 2024, 9:44 PM EDT

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.



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Universität Hamburg

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In development
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This trial does not extend or rely on any prior RCTs.
To improve the EU Emission Trading System’s resilience to demand shocks, enhance synergies with other climate and energy policies, and address the surplus of allowances in the system, the European Commission introduced the Market Stability Reserve (MSR) in 2015 (European Parliament & Council, 2015). Based on the number of allowances in circulation, i.e., those stored by ETS participants, some of the allowances to be auctioned in a given year are withheld and placed in the MSR instead to reduce the allowance oversupply. The MSR absorbs allowances whenever more than 833 million allowances are banked from one calendar year to the next (European Commission, 2023). The intake period of the MSR is, therefore, determined by market outcomes. When the total amount of allowances in circulation (TNAC) lies between 833 million and 1096 million, the difference between the TNAC and 833 million allowances will be placed in the MSR. If the 1096 million threshold is surpassed, 24% of the TNAC will be placed in the MSR (12% from 2024 onwards) (European Parliament & Council, 2023; Perino et al., 2022). When allowance banks are depleted to below 400 million allowances, 100 million allowances are released from the reserve annually until the reserve is empty or the TNAC rises to above 400 million again. Since the 2018 reform, the capacity of the MSR has been limited. Any allowances placed in the reserve beyond the limit are invalidated. With the latest reform in 2023, the capacity is set to 400 million allowances. This makes the total emission cap endogenous, as the number of available allowances now also depends on the banking decisions of the regulated parties (Perino, 2018).
Limiting the capacity of the MSR and invalidating surplus allowances is an important step towards a better integration of supplementary policies with the EU ETS. In general, cap-and-trade systems are notoriously difficult to combine with additional measures reducing the allowance demand in the regulated sectors. Under the assumption of a binding emission cap, any allowances freed up in one sector due to emissions abated through supplementary policies are absorbed by other sectors leaving the overall cap unchanged. This “waterbed effect” (named after water moving around in a waterbed if weight is applied but never leaving it) is temporarily negated by the MSR invalidating allowances. Any additional abatement effort will result in reduced allowance prices, increasing the incentive to buy and bank additional allowances. Larger banks will, in turn, increase the number of invalidated allowances. However, the “puncturing” of the waterbed only lasts while the MSR is taking in allowances. Once the TNAC falls below 833 million, it is unlikely to exceed this threshold again rendering the MSR and its positive effect on the compatibility of the EU ETS with other policies inactive.
In the worst case, the deactivation of the MSR could even lead to supplementary measures causing the emission cap to grow as Rosendahl (2019) points out. If a new policy is announced while the MSR is still active but is only implemented after the MSR has ceased to function, rational and farsighted market participants will adapt their banking decisions today to react to the future changes in allowance demand. A commonly used example to illustrate this phenomenon is a coal phase-out, as the timespan between the announcement and implementation is usually large. Lower demand in the future leads to a reduced incentive to bank allowances today. This, in turn, causes the MSR to absorb and invalidate fewer allowances. Hence, the overall cap grows. The MSR also fails to improve price stability in this case but instead amplifies the price shock caused by the policy announcement, as fewer invalidated allowances lead to higher supply and, consequently, even lower prices.
Gerlagh et al. (2021) and Perino et al. (2022) use multi-period models to formally prove this interaction between the MSR and policies announced and implemented at different points during its lifetime. They confirm the existence of a perverse effect of supplementary policies that increases with the delay between announcement and implementation. Gerlagh et al. (2021) use simulations (based on the 2018 version of the MSR) to show that an emission reduction of 1 MtCO2 announced in 2020 will increase the cumulative emissions by up to 0.86 MtCO2 if carried out in 2048 or later (Gerlagh et al., 2021). Perino et al. (2022) also predict a substantial increase in the overall emission cap for such a scenario. For an effect of this magnitude to materialise, ETS actors must correctly anticipate demand shocks and adapt their banking strategy accordingly. Quemin and Trotignon (2021) find that price responses to the 2018 reform of the EU ETS are best explained by twelve-year rolling time horizons of market participants, lending support to the assumption of forward-looking traders. However, an event study by Grunau (2023) investigating EUA price reactions to the announcement of national coal phase-outs in 13 countries suggests that the banking strategies of ETS participants are myopic. Grunau (2023) only finds a detectable reaction for the German coal phase-out and only in some model specifications. This result is surprising, as coal power plants in the countries that have announced a phase-out are responsible for nearly 30% of the emissions regulated by the EU ETS (Grunau, 2023). A forward-looking trader should, therefore, expect correspondingly large changes in future EUA demand. Thus, further investigation into the level of foresightedness exhibited by the allowance market participants is necessary to quantify the danger of unwanted increases in the emission cap in regulated industries. In this regard, experimental market games can be a valuable complement to the modelling approaches presented above. To our knowledge, the “Rosendahl effect” has not been investigated experimentally. The set-up outlined below will, therefore, provide a useful addition to the understanding of the efficacy of quantity-based flexibility mechanisms such as the MSR. In particular, we will test two hypotheses:

I. Participants adapt their banking behaviour even in later rounds based on information received at the beginning of the game.
II. The change in the banking behaviour is sufficiently significant to indicate a problem for the EU ETS.

While experimental findings should not readily be translated into predictions about the actual allowance market, a strong Rosendahl effect in an experimental setting can serve as an indicator for the relevance of design shortcoming of the current MSR design.

Borghesi, S., Pahle, M., Perino, G., Quemin, S., & Willner, M. (2023). The market stability reserve in the EU emissions trading system: a critical review. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 15, 131-152.
European Commission. (2023). Market Stability Reserve. Retrieved 24.10.2023 from
European Parliament, & Council. (2015). DECISION (EU) 2015/1814 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 6 October 2015 concerning the establishment and operation of a market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading scheme and amending Directive 2003/87/EC. Official Journal of the European Union, 58, L264/261-L264/265.
European Parliament, & Council. (2023). DIRECTIVE (EU) 2023/959 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a system for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Union and Decision (EU) 2015/1814 concerning the establishment and operation of a market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading system. Official Journal of the European Union, 66, L 130/134.
Gerlagh, R., Heijmans, R. J., & Rosendahl, K. E. (2021). An endogenous emissions cap produces a green paradox. Economic Policy, 36(107), 485-522.
Grunau, J. (2023). Putting Coal to Sleep in the Waterbed: An Empirical Assessment of EU ETS Price Reactions to Coal Phase-Out Announcements. Available at SSRN 4528207.
Perino, G. (2018). New EU ETS Phase 4 rules temporarily puncture waterbed. Nature Climate Change, 8(4), 262-264.
Perino, G., Willner, M., Quemin, S., & Pahle, M. (2022). The European Union emissions trading system market stability reserve: does it stabilize or destabilize the market? Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 16(2), 338-345.
Quemin, S., & Trotignon, R. (2021). Emissions trading with rolling horizons. Journal of economic dynamics and control, 125, 104099.
Rosendahl, K. E. (2019). EU ETS and the waterbed effect. Nature Climate Change, 9(10), 734-735.

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Registration Citation

Schmitz, Frederik. 2024. "In Search of the Rosendahl Effect Experimental Evidence on the Banking Behaviour of EU ETS Participants ." AEA RCT Registry. October 19.
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Experimental Details


Intervention (Hidden)
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Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
The amount of the good invalidated due to the banking decisions of the participants
Primary Outcomes (explanation)

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
Two experimental designs are used: a simple two-round market game, only including the minimal elements required to produce the effect of overlapping policies on the EU ETS and a more complex ten-round extension. The two-round game has the following set-up: Groups of five participants play firms that earn lab cash by selling a good. To avoid a potential bias from labeling the good as emission allowances, a generic terminology is used in the participant’s instructions and throughout the experiment. However, for easier contextualization, the good will be referred to as (emission) allowances hereinafter. Every group of players will play a fixed number of runs, with a tutorial at the start of the experiment. Allowances will be allocated to the players in both rounds free of charge. Firms are ex ante identical and can sell as many allowances as is covered by their current stock. Allowances not used in the first round will be transferred to round 2. As the goal of the experiment is to analyze an effect dependent on the banking behavior of ETS participants, an incentive to store some of the allowances received in round 1 will be implemented. Fewer allowances will be allocated in the second round and participants face diminishing returns on sold allowances. In combination, these two design elements make an even distribution of sales across both rounds the optimal strategy. The firm’s pay-off function is simple to understand for the participants: every allowance sold reduces the price per allowance by one. The price is calculated separately for every period. For instance, selling three allowances in a period would yield (a-3)*3 units of lab cash, where a is the maximum price. The prices a player is facing are unaffected by the other players’ sales volumes. In addition to a small fixed show-up fee, participants receive their earnings from selling allowances converted into real-world currency at a preannounced rate after the game ends as a participation compensation.
To test the interaction between the MSR and the announcement and introduction of additional GHG abatement policies, the mechanics of the MSR relevant for the invalidation of allowances based on the total number of allowances in circulation (TNAC) will be replicated. For the experiment, we will assume that the MSR is at its maximum capacity during the first round and the TNAC lies between 833 million and 1096 million. Thus, the number of allowances allocated in round 2 will be reduced by the total number of allowances banked by the players. In contrast to the actual ETS, the experiment is conducted in small groups, granting participants an unrealistically large impact on allowance invalidations and hence, their own allowance allocation. This might lead to strategically low banking decisions. A remedy for this potentially distorting behavior is to base a player’s allowance allocations only on the banking decisions of the other participants. The number of retired allowances will be determined using the average number of allowances banked by the remaining players and is, therefore, different for each player.
After a group has played two runs, a negative shock to the parameter a is announced at the beginning of the next run that takes effect in the second round to trigger the “Rosendahl effect”. The shift represents the introduction of a supplementary policy such as a coal phase-out, reducing the demand for and consequently the price of allowances. Participants will be informed about the extend of the change in the maximum price.

The ten round extension increases the number of rounds played from two to ten and allows for a more sophisticated modelling of allowance invalidations by the MSR. The aim of the ten round extension is to recreate the real conditions of a sizable bank of allowances when the MSR was first introduced. For this purpose, participants start the game with a large allowance allocation. The storage and release of allowances by the MSR is not modelled. Instead, all allowances absorbed by the MSR are treated as lost to the players. As an additional simplification, only one value triggering the intake of allowances is included in the experiment that is functionally equivalent to the 833-million threshold in the actual MSR. In other words, if the TNAC is above the threshold, the difference between the TNAC and the threshold level will be deducted from next rounds’ allowance allocation and retired permanently.
Experimental Design Details
Randomization Method
Student participants are invited to participate by the lab conducting the experiment. Participants showing up for a session are then randomly assigned to groups of five. Expert groups are not randomized
Randomization Unit
Individual student participants' group assignment
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
800 student participants, 10 emission trading experts
Sample size: planned number of observations
800 student participants, 10 emission trading experts
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
All participants play the market game with and without the announcement of a price change in the second round. Hence, 800 student participants, 10 emission trading experts
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

IRB Name
Ethics Committee of the Faculty WISO University of Hamburg
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number


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