Primary Outcomes (end points)
1. Stated support for reduction of VAT on plant-based products from 19% to 7%; indicated by choosing one of the following responses: ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘abstain’.
2. Stated support for increase of VAT on meat and meat-based products from 7% to 19%; indicated by choosing one of the following responses: ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘abstain’.
3. Stated support for increased share of plant-based products served in public facilities; measured as a continuous variable (on a slider to choose any integer value between 10% and 100% – starting position 50%).
4. Revealed preference: Donating part of a cash lottery prize of 100€ (one winner per treatment, i.e., 1 out of 300) to an animal welfare NGO; measured as a continuous variable (on a slider to choose any integer value between 0% and 100% – starting position 67%). The amount not donated is paid to participants in the form of additional panel points (standard form of payment for participating in survey for panel members).
5. Revealed preference: Willingness-to-pay for a package of high-quality meat-replacement products (content described in detail to participants). Implemented by participation in a lottery (one winner per treatment, i.e., 1 out of 300). Participants decide on which of two prize options they prefer: prize money (5€ or 10€ or 15€ or 20€; randomly displayed) paid in the form of additional panel points (standard form of payment for participating in survey for panel members) or the package of high-quality meat-replacement products worth 25€. The latter will be sent to winners if they choose it over the cash prize.
6. Stated intention to participate in a demonstration for animal welfare; indicated by choosing one of the following responses: Definitely not, Very unlikely, Maybe, Very likely, Definitely, I don’t know/ no answer.
7. Emotional Responses: Participants rate the intensity of ten emotions (Love, Empathy, Happiness, Care, Guilt, Fear, Anger, Sadness, Shame, Concern) induced by the animal images on scales 5-point scales.