The title of the training, as was presented to school principals and teachers, is “Matematica laboratoriale”. We provide teachers and school principals with the following information.
The study aims to evaluate the impact of mathematics teaching training specifically designed for primary school teachers and will be offered to grade 3 mathematics teachers in the Italian regions of Piedmont and Campania.
The training focuses on innovative methods of teaching mathematics, emphasizing active and cooperative learning, and is expected to improve math skills of all children, and thus to promote equity in math’s learning. Key elements of the methodology include the active engagement of students, peer interaction, idea sharing, and the development of problem-solving skills. The training develops around three main activities:
• “Numbers for Counting, Calculating, Estimating”
• “Numbers for Comparing, Measuring”
• “Numbers for Modeling, Conjecturing”
over nine sessions, totaling 18 hours. Between each session, teachers will have time to carry out the proposed activities with their pupils. They will also share their classroom experiences with their peers and instructors in follow-up discussions. To facilitate participation, 4 sessions are delivered face-to-face and 5 online. Participation is incentivized by offering teachers a 50-hour certification, covering training, self-study, and classroom experimentation. Teachers in the treatment group will be randomly selected from those who express interest in participating in the study. Teachers in the control group will have access to the training materials after the conclusion of the project.