The American Economic Association's registry for randomized controlled trials
Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.
It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.
First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.
Last updated is the most recent time when changes to the trial's registration were published.
There is information in this trial unavailable to the public. Use the button below to request access.
MD5: 6ad45295c7543d4627919cfd2259202e
SHA1: cd02be3ecbbef5402f9c1d061636998311f0d5a5
Uploaded At: October 26, 2018
MD5: 29735e50dd4a8653a9cfb9117d44a5a5
SHA1: b9e0c477f52751bc0e2c8992ccd960206218a7b2
Uploaded At: August 19, 2016
MD5: d10b388e64a99e341c9a792cabadbee6
SHA1: 6a5cf538bb7b2f2257fe84eeb7576d893b7fd08b
Uploaded At: April 29, 2021
MD5: 8b5cc366c1e9c11ce4c0cfe99adafcd9
SHA1: 1034700708e6fd3edf133afe74c52ca6e35e0e5f
Uploaded At: November 23, 2022