Experimental Design
1.At the beginning of the semester, the research team and professors will inform students about a survey available for participation in a study conducted by ASU professors, contingent upon their consent. Instructors are encouraged to offer extra credit to students who complete the survey, with the amount varying by instructor. However, students may opt out of the study and still earn extra credit by completing the survey.
2. Based on the responses from the initial survey, students are grouped according to the area in which they performed the poorest. Within each group, students are stratified into treatment and control groups based on whether their score in their weakest area is above or below the average score for that area (calculated based on students with the same weakest area)., their first-generation status, and their GPA (below or above the average GPA of the student population at ASU). If the sample size is too small to maintain the number of desired strata, grouping will be simplified to a dummy for above/below average score in the weakest area and GPA.
3. Using the collected information, the research team will then send personalized messages to treated students about the area that they scored the lowest in. Students in the treatment group will receive personalized emails detailing their scores across all areas, along with a link to a video tailored to the area they scored lowest in. This email will be sent after their first exam. If students achieve perfect scores in all areas or tie in their lowest scores across multiple areas, a "priority list" dictates the video that will be sent to students: the academic area is first, followed by study habits, social life, and finally financial issues. For example, a student with perfect scores across the board will receive the academic video, while a student scoring lowest in both study habits and social life will receive the study habits video.
4. Following the distribution of personalized information, all students will receive a follow-up email to gauge their feelings about the areas discussed in the survey.
5. Later, treated students will receive a reminder email highlighting the advice most relevant to their needs. Where the focus is on their worst area and the sub-areas that exist within it. At this stage all videos relevant to this area are shared as individual links with treated students.
A second survey will be administered at the semester's end to assess how students' perceptions of their college struggles have evolved.