Takunda, meaning "we have overcome" in Shona, is implemented by CARE with the aim of achieving sustainable, equitable, and resilient food, nutrition, and income security in Masvingo and Manicaland Provinces. The program targets vulnerable households, women, and youth, aiming to improve income, nutritional status, and resilience to shocks and stressors. The five-year Takunda RFSA focuses on three main purposes:
Gender-equitable income among extremely poor and chronically vulnerable households, women, and youth increased.
Nutritional Status among Children < 5, Adolescent Girls, and Women of Reproductive Age Improved.
Impacts of shocks and stresses reduced for extremely poor and chronically vulnerable households, women, and youth.
Each purpose entails various interventions tailored to individuals based on specific targeting criteria. Eligibility for interventions depends on demographic characteristics and socioeconomic status.
The target population for the Takunda activity consists of extremely poor, chronically vulnerable, and high malnutrition-risk households across Chivi and Zaka Districts (Masvingo Province) and Buhera and Mutare Districts (Manicaland Province). Takunda aims to serve 301,636 individuals from 77,211 households spread across four districts.
The Takunda program will be implemented until the end of 2025 and will include the following core interventions:
Supplementary Feeding and Expanded Care Groups (SFECG)
Cash for asset
Cash transfers
Savings groups
Farmer field business schools and producer groups strengthening
WASH interventions on infrastructure and community outreach
Weirs irrigation and solar-powered gardens
TVET youth training
Life skills and business training
Training on health, nutrition, life, and leadership skills for adolescents