Treatment Group 1, Capitation Grant (70 schools): In this group the capitation grant (CG) program, as dictated by the Tanzanian Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, is implemented at each school. Each school receives a grant of 10,000Tsh/student, delivered in two tranches, one in March and one in July. This treatment focuses on making the existing policy work by channeling funds in full and more effectively to primary schools, and to test the effects of basic information provision about the grants. The evaluation will seek to measure the extent to which the funds reach schools, the level of citizen engagement on the use of funds, and ultimately the impact of funds and information on improving learning outcomes. In 2013, the average CG distributed to schools was 7,646,429Tsh.
Treatment Group 2, Cash on Delivery (70 schools): In this group teachers of Kiswahili, English and Math in Grades 1, 2, and 3 are eligible to receive 5,000Tsh per student that passes a given subject test at the end of the year, for a total of 15,000Tsh possible per student. Teachers are not penalized for students who do not pass.
Treatment Group 3, Combination (70 schools): Schools in this treatment group are given both the Capitation Grant and Cash on Delivery intervention.
All interventions were implemented directly by Twaweza and it’s District Partners, with money given through the CG and COD interventions coming also from Twaweza. Within each intervention, information describing the intervention was distributed to schools and the communities via school and community meetings in early-2013. The District Partners then followed up with additional school visits in July and August to answer any questions regarding the program. All students in Grades 1, 2, and 3 in schools in Treatment Groups 2 and 3 were tested in Kiswahili, English and Math at the end of the school year to determine teacher incentive payments. Tanzanian education professionals, following a similar structure as the Uwezo annual learning assessment, developed the subject tests for Grades 1, 2, and 3. The same schedule will be followed in 2014.