Linking Subjective Expectations to Revealed Field-of-Study Choice

Last registered on June 26, 2023


Trial Information

General Information

Linking Subjective Expectations to Revealed Field-of-Study Choice
Initial registration date
June 18, 2019

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
July 01, 2019, 4:03 PM EDT

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.

Last updated
June 26, 2023, 7:01 AM EDT

Last updated is the most recent time when changes to the trial's registration were published.


There is information in this trial unavailable to the public. Use the button below to request access.

Request Information

Primary Investigator

University of Gothenburg

Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
PI Affiliation
Uppsala University
PI Affiliation
University of Gothenburg

Additional Trial Information

On going
Start date
End date
Secondary IDs
Prior work
This trial is based on or builds upon one or more prior RCTs.
This study links survey data on subjective expectations relating to university field of study choice, to administrative data on students actual behavior in college applications and enrollment. We compare their stated expected choices to their revealed choices over the next four years. We also use an experiment to manipulate information.
External Link(s)

Registration Citation

Angelov, NIkolay et al. 2023. "Linking Subjective Expectations to Revealed Field-of-Study Choice." AEA RCT Registry. June 26.
Former Citation
Angelov, NIkolay et al. 2023. "Linking Subjective Expectations to Revealed Field-of-Study Choice." AEA RCT Registry. June 26.
Experimental Details


Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
Field of study that students rank first in their college applications, and field of study to which students enroll.
Primary Outcomes (explanation)

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
The survey was completed by 502 students in early 2014. The survey was administered on the computer by a professional survey company who met with each student. The students were first asked about their expectations in each of 8 fields of study, and not going to university for several college and post-college outcomes. At the end of the survey each student was randomly allocated into the experimental group or the control group.

Outcome data comes from administrative registers in subsequent years.
Experimental Design Details
Not available
Randomization Method
Randomization done by computer.
Randomization Unit
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
Roughly 500, not all of the 502 in the survey data will be successfully matched to the administrative data
Sample size: planned number of observations
Roughly 500, not all of the 502 in the survey data will be successfully matched to the administrative data
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
Among 502 survey students, 242 were in the control and 260 where in the experimental group. Of the 260, 149 consented to the treatment.
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)
Supporting Documents and Materials

There is information in this trial unavailable to the public. Use the button below to request access.

Request Information

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

IRB Name
Regional Ethical Board in Uppsala
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number
Ref. 2013/430
Analysis Plan

Analysis Plan Documents


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Uploaded At: June 18, 2019