Experimental Design Details
The game follows the design of the delegated dictator game of Bartling and Fischbacher (2012). Four types of players are matched together: a dictator, a potential delegate, and two recipients. The dictator chooses between two options: a) a fair option that allocates 5 points for each player, and b) an unfair option that allocates 9 points each to the dictator and the delegate and 1 point each to the two
The dictator has the option to delegate the decision to the delegate. Each receiver can reward the dictator and the delegate. Each receiver allocates rewarding a total of up to 7 rewarding points to the principal and the delegate.
The game is played in strategy method. The dictator decides to either choose between the two allocations him/herself, or to delegate the decision. The delegate needs to make the allocation decision before knowing whether the dictator has chosen to delegate or not. Both receivers assigns rewarding points for all four possible scenarios. The allocation is implemented according to the choice of the matched dictator and/or delegate. The rewarding points of one of the two receivers is randomly selected by a computerized die row to be implemented.
Jun 22
- Dictator game with delegation but no reward
- Dictator game with no delegation but with reward
- Dictator game with delegation and reward
- Dictator game with delegation and punishment
After data collection from the delegation and reward treatment finishes:
- Dictator game with delegation and reward, but the dictator can only delegate to a randomized die row whose probability distribution equal to the delegate's behaviors from the delegation and reward treatment. (Thus data collection for this treatment can only start after data collection from the delegation and reward treatment finishes.)
- Dictator game with delegation and reward, but the dictator can only choose the unfair allocation if he/she chooses not to delegate
The experiment will be run on Prolific with the following pre-screening restrictions:
- Students
- Completed degree is high school or above
- US residents
- Prolific approval rate at least 90%
- Age: 18-30