Primary Outcomes (end points)
On the worker side, the main outcomes of interest are: skill development, employability, employment, occupational choice, wages, job stability/tenure/quality; job-search; additional training gained; changes in expectations and aspirations; other measures of well-being such as consumption; knowledge transfer to others in the workers’ social network and to other workers in the hiring firm. On the firm side, the main outcomes of interest are: growth of capital stock, input usage, output; profitability; changes in employment and wages offered; spillovers to other connected firms. We collect these outcomes in multiple survey rounds in the post-intervention period. In an extension to this project, we collect additional data eight years after the interventions, to study the long-term impact of these interventions and their efficacy in building resilience to the Covid-19 shock. In these additional survey rounds we collect again information on our key labor market outcomes, in particular: employment, occupational choice, wages; job-search; changes in expectations and aspirations. We collect these outcomes again immediately before, during and after the strict Covid-19 lockdown put in place by the Ugandan government in March 2020.