Primary Outcomes (end points)
Since the objective of the study is to (1) replicate the original Power to the People study by Björkman and Svensson (2009) and (2) to disentangle the mechanisms through which their bundled intervention had such a large treatment effect, the main outcome measures we will collect come directly from the original Power to the People study.
Process outcomes:
-Number of facilities with suggestion boxes, numbered waiting lists, posted free ser-vices, and posters describing patient rights and responsibilities
-Performance of health center staff more often discussed in village meetings
-Household awareness of roles and responsibilities of health unit management commit-tee
Treatment practices and management outcomes:
-Any equipment used during examination, waiting time (total time spent at facility per visit), absence rate (% of staff absent), condition of clinic (clean floor, clean walls, no smell of urine etc.), % of HH have received info on importance of visiting facility rather than self-medicating, % of HH that have received info on importance of family planning, share of months in which stock cards indicated no availability of drugs (e.g., five key tracer drugs; HCT kits, ARVs, if applicable)
-Vaccination rates of children under 5 for polio, DPT, BCG, and measles; provision of vitamin A supplements
-Number of patients receiving different services (deliveries, outpatient, etc.), based on institutional records & household data
Health outcomes:
-Births, pregnancies and death of children under 5
-Weight of all infants (under 18 months) and children (18 to 36 months) in sampled the household.