Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
- Arm 1 (Suba, Basic): treatment (1,717), control (2,101) students for models using only eligible students.
- Arm 2 (Suba, Tertiary): treatment (1,140), control (1,404) students for models using only eligible students.
- Arm 3 (San Cristóbal, Basic): treatment (3,437), control (7,510) students for models using only eligible students.
- Arm 4 (San Cristóbal, Savings): treatment (3,438), control (7,509) students for models using only eligible students.
- Arm 1 (Suba, Basic): treatment (1,591), control (3.438) siblings for models using siblings of eligible students.
- Arm 2 (Suba, Tertiary): treatment (866), control (2,420) siblings for models using siblings of eligible students.
- Arm 3 (San Cristóbal, Basic): treatment (2,928), control (9,573) siblings for models using siblings of eligible students.
- Arm 4 (San Cristóbal, Savings): treatment (2,901), control (9,599) siblings for models using siblings of eligible students.
- Arm 1 (Suba, Basic): treatment (2,656), control (2,819) parents for models using parents of eligible students.
- Arm 2 (Suba, Tertiary): treatment (1,788), control (1,920) parents for models using parents of eligible students.
- Arm 3 (San Cristóbal, Basic): treatment (5,029), control (7,940) parents for models using parents of eligible students.
- Arm 4 (San Cristóbal, Savings): treatment (5,081), control (7,888) parents for models using parents of eligible students.
1) There are individuals that are are used as a control for two treatment arms. Therefore, the sum of observations by treatment arms does not necessarily match the totals displayed in the previous sections.
2) Even though we report the samples sizes by locality and treatment arm, we plan in many of our specifications to pool the data when locality or intervention variation is not relevant for the estimation.
3) Because we are merging the data with secondary sources, we expect to have some degree of attrition. Details about how we deal with this are presented in the pre-analysis plan that we attach.