Primary Outcomes (end points)
Primary Outcome Measures:
1.Child anthropometry
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Height for age z scores, weight for age z scores, stunting, wasting. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, as well as in changes (2013-2015).
2.Child food intake
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Number of unique foods consumed in previous 24 hours, number of food groups consumed in previous 24 hours, consumption of specific food groups (animal source foods, dairy, vitamin A rich foods, etc.), caloric consumption in previous 24 hours. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
3.Dietary diversity of index child's mother, father, and of adolescent girl
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Number of unique foods consumed in previous 24 hours, number of food groups consumed in previous 24 hours. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
4.Index child mother's nutrition knowledge
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Knowledge of index child's mother regarding breastfeeding, complementary feeding, nutrition, and sanitation practices (29 questions). Outcomes specified as a total score (out of 29). Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
5.Household food security
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Food groups consumed by household in previous seven days, number of unique foods consumed in previous seven days, number of food groups consumed in previous seven days weighted by nutritional value and frequency of consumption, value of food consumption in previous seven days, household caloric availability in previous seven days, whether and how often a household member has gone to sleep hungry because of lack of food. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
6.Infant and young child feeding practices
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Length of breastfeeding of index child, age complementary feeding initiated. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
7.Exposure to nutrition from health workers and media
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Visits from health care workers, activities carried out by health care workers during visits, counseling received by health care workers during visits, attendance at group meetings on health or nutrition, exposure to breastfeeding or complementary feeding from radio and television. For mother of index child and adolescent girl. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
8.Receipt of and participation in livelihoods and nutrition interventions (take up)
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Take up of livelihoods and nutrition interventions by CLP/Shiree/UPPR programmes. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
9.Community nutrition worker knowledge and activities.
[Time Frame: Endline.] [Safety Issue: No]
Misconceptions regarding nutrition knowledge and attitudes; breastfeeding, complementary feeding, and sanitation knowledge; number of home visits and group training sessions. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started.
Secondary Outcome Measures:
Nutrition knowledge of adolescent girl
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Knowledge of adolescent girl regarding breastfeeding, complementary feeding, nutrition, and sanitation practices (29 questions). Outcomes specified as a total score (out of 29). Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
Health of index child <36 months
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Did mother report child was ill in previous 2 weeks. Whether care was sought and where care was received. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
Antenatal care
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Attendance at antenatal care sessions, care received at antenatal sessions, receipt of food, receipt of iron folic acid and vitamin A, location of delivery of index child, weighing of index child after birth. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
Sanitation practices for index child
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Disposal of stool of index child. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
Women's status
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Ability to work, decision making power in spending earnings, decision making power in household expenditures, mobility outside the household, participation in group meetings, voting, respect and domestic violence, control and agency, time preferences. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
Ownership of assets
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Ownership of assets (total), ownership of assets provided by CLP/Shiree/UPPR, value of assets. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
Housing quality
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Ownership status of house, quality of materials of house, electricity and fuel sources, acquisition of plinths, water and sanitation quality. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
Household consumption
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Value of food consumption in previous seven days, value of monthly non-food consumption, value of monthly non-food consumption by specified sub-groups (clothing, medical expenses, education expenses, transport, consumables, semi-durables), value of monthly household consumption (food and non-food). Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).
Household income
[Time Frame: Baseline. Up to 24 months.] [Safety Issue: No]
Value of annual income derived from agriculture, value of annual income derived from nonagricultural sources, value of annual total income derived from all sources. Outcomes specified in terms of levels two years after intervention started, and as changes (2013-2015).