Experimental Design Details
The project will start with a pilot testing baseline measurement instruments and users’ experiences with contents. The pilot will be followed by a full RCT.
Recruitment and Baseline
For the recruitment and baseline data collection, we will set up stations in different strategic points of the pre-identified neighborhoods for caregivers to approach and register for the study. Community leaders within the neighborhoods will help advertise the activities. If at the moment of registration the household is eligible to participate in the study, the data collection team will set up appointments to interview both caregivers and children. Only those households who complete both surveys will receive the incentives which are a kit for the child and a 15,000 COP gift card for the caregiver.
The stations will be carefully designed in order to provide an enabling environment for children to concentrate on the evaluation instruments and for enumerators to be able to interact with children and caregivers in a productive manner. We will aim to have open large spaces with individual tables for each child where they feel secure and can focus on the tasks presented by the enumerators. The stations will also have space for the caregivers so they can be present at all times.
The stations will be rotated whenever the registration rates decrease, we expect to rotate registration points every three days, and we expect to have two teams working simultaneously. The neighborhood leaders will be informing all the community about the recruitment activity based on WhatsApp messages previously designed by the research team (see marketing section below).
There will be three stages of interaction during the recruitment and baseline:
Screening. We will collect the initial information of the caregivers who are 18 years or older to assess whether they are eligible to participate in the study; we will inquire about nationality, access to a smartphone and to the internet. The screening short survey will have an approximate duration of ten minutes.
Consent. We will have a two-stage consent. First, before the screening, briefly explaining the consent and then asking the screening questions. Next, if the person is eligible, they will receive the rest of consent information. During the consent, we will ask about the interest to participate in the program; this consent implies both the consent to receive the materials and participate in the program if they are selected, and consent to provide information in the baseline survey. During consent, caregivers will need to provide assent on behalf of the child.
Baseline data collection. If the caregiver and the child are eligible and accepted to be part of the study, we will proceed with the baseline questionnaires. The caregiver’s survey will inquire about caregivers’ basic information on household and income; education, socioeconomic status as well as mental health status. Survey application will last around 30-40 minutes. Meanwhile, the child’s survey will ask about children's SEL and mathematics-skills related behavior, activities, and outcomes. Survey application will last around 45 minutes.
For the endline data collection, we will again set up stations in different strategic points of the neighborhoods for caregivers and children to approach. The stations will again be carefully designed in order to provide an enabling environment for children to concentrate on the evaluation instruments and for the enumerators to be able to interact with the children and caregivers in a productive manner. Any learnings from the recruitment and baseline data collection will be considered for the design of the endline stations.
There will be three stages of interaction during the endline:
Consent. We will ask participants for their consent to participate in the endline survey. Caregivers will need to provide assent on behalf of the child.
Endline data collection. If the caregiver and the child accept to participate in the endline survey, we will proceed with the questionnaires. Any learnings from the recruitment and baseline data collection will be considered for the questionnaire's design.
Target population
Venezuelan migrants and Colombian nationals living in vulnerable neighborhoods with high concentrations of Venezuelan migrants.
For the pilot, the population will be in one neighborhood of Santa Marta that has a high concentration of Venezuelan migrants
For the RCT, the population will be up to 16 neighborhoods of Barranquilla and Soledad that have a high concentration of Venezuelan migrants. The final number of neighborhoods, which depends on the success of securing the sample size of 1,000 households, will not affect the RCT design as the randomization is conducted at the household level.