Search Results

345 Trials Found

Skills Mismatch: Sources and Consequences
Last registered on July 19, 2024
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J24, J62, J64

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Identity and Employee Turnover – A Field Experiment
Last registered on July 17, 2024
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C93, D91, J24, J63, M54

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Incentivizing Innovation in Open Source: Evidence from the GitHub Sponsors Program -- Survey Evidence
Last registered on July 17, 2024
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J24, L86, O3, O31, O36

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Banking for Boomers – A Field Experiment on Internet Banking Adoption
Last registered on July 16, 2024
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O33, G21, I21, J24, D12, D91, C93

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Baby's First Years
Last registered on July 03, 2024
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Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs, Education and Inequality, Public Policy

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In-person Wage Premium: Evidence from Tutors
Last registered on July 01, 2024
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J31, I26, J24, C93

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Beliefs about Worker Ownership and Occupational Intentions Among Young Adults
Last registered on July 01, 2024
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C91, D83, J24, J54

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Experimental Evidence on the Effects of a Coursera Program on Labour Outcomes in Costa Rica
Last registered on June 18, 2024
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E24, J01, J24, J62, I26

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