Search Results

368 Trials Found

An Impact Evaluation of ReHire Colorado
Last registered on June 06, 2023
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J24, J64, J68, I38

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Barriers to participation and impacts of reforestation PES: evidence from a large scale program in Brazil
Last registered on June 06, 2023
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Q01 Sustainable Development, Q23 Forestry, Q57 Ecological Economics: Ecosystem Services, Q58 Government Policy

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Performance Evaluation of the Seoul Safety Income Project (SSIP)
Last registered on May 22, 2023
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H31, H55, I12, I38, J22

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Information and Public Service Provision: Experimental Evidence from School WASH Services in Bangladesh
Last registered on May 16, 2023
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Analysis of Collective Decision-Making: General

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Urban Food and Nutrition Security Resilience through Urban Farming: A Circular Economy Approach
Last registered on May 04, 2023
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• Agriculture and Environment; Q18 Agricultural Policy • Food Policy • Animal Welfare Policy; Q53

I31 General Welfare, Well-Being; N57 Africa • Oceania; Q12 Micro Analysis of Farm Firms, Farm

Households, and Farm Input Markets; Q15 Land Ownership and Tenure • Land Reform • Land Use • Irrigation

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Gamified Savings as a Problem Gambling Intervention
Last registered on April 29, 2023
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, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making in Financial Markets; D91 Role and Effects of Psychological

, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making

D14 Household Saving • Personal Finance; G41 Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social

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Supporting Pathways Out of Poverty: A Randomized Evaluation of AMP Up Boston
Last registered on April 26, 2023
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I38, J24, D14

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