Search Results

316 Trials Found

Digital Skills: Socioeconomic Determinants and Social Inequality
Last registered on February 07, 2023
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I24, I26, O33, J11

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Evaluating the Impact of Preschool on Patience, Time Consistency and Commitment Demand
Last registered on February 07, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

I21, I24, J24, I26

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Edutainment, social network, and ethnic discrimination in rural Bangladesh
Last registered on January 22, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

C93, D9, I31, J15, O12

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Play to Learn - Improving Foundational Learning with Technology Aided Formative Teaching
Last registered on December 20, 2022
Search term found in: Jel code

C93, I21, I24, J24, O15

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Identifying and Addressing Structural Racism
Last registered on December 19, 2022
Search term found in: Jel code

I12, I14, J15, D91

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The Effect of Doolexia – a Digital Training Method for Students with Dyslexia
Last registered on December 16, 2022
Search term found in: Jel code

I2, I24, J18

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Delivering Remote Learning in Developing Countries using a Low-Tech Solution
Last registered on November 30, 2022
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I21, I24, I25, O15

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Knowledge about Child Care in Germany and Policy Preferences
Last registered on November 30, 2022
Search term found in: Jel code

J13, I24, C93, J15

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