Search Results

427 Trials Found

Bivariate Newsvendor Competition: Theory and Experiment
Last registered on March 21, 2023
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C9, M21, D81

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Beliefs about Wealth Inequality and Preferences for Redistribution
Last registered on March 20, 2023
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C90, D31, D63, D83, H23

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Willingness to pay to access information about aflatoxin
Last registered on March 13, 2023
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D12, D83,D64, I12,,Q13,Q18

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Loss aversion: loss looms larger or gain looms smaller?
Last registered on March 13, 2023
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C91, D81

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Eliciting the Marginal Propensity to Consume in Surveys
Last registered on February 23, 2023
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D12, E21,C81,c83

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Perceived gender composition of programs and college applications
Last registered on February 21, 2023
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I24, J24, D91, C90

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Cooperation to reduce water pollution in the Mekong Delta
Last registered on February 13, 2023
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C90; H41; Q53

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How School Matching Designs Affect Inequality: Experimental Evidence
Last registered on February 09, 2023
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D02, D47, D81, D91, I24

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Estimating Preferences from Strictly Concave Budget Restrictions
Last registered on February 05, 2023
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C91, D01, D81, D90

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Consumer preferences for organic and local apples
Last registered on January 30, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

C91, D12, M31

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