Search Results

29 Trials Found

Promoting Infant-Directed Speech in Ghana
Last registered on May 15, 2018
Search term found in: Other primary

Pascaline Dupas

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Self-Timed Credit Contracts (STICC)
Last registered on May 10, 2018
Search term found in: Other primary

Pascaline Dupas

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Effective Delivery of Health Products in Ghana
Last registered on April 08, 2017
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Pascaline Dupas

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Supply Chain Development for Sanitation in Tanzania
Last registered on March 27, 2017
Search term found in: Other primary

Pascaline Dupas

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Household Water Connections in Tangier, Morocco
Last registered on October 18, 2016
Search term found in: Other primary

Pascaline Dupas

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Peer Effects, Pupil-Teacher Ratios, and Teacher Incentives in Kenya
Last registered on August 11, 2016
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Pascaline Dupas

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