Search Results

150 Trials Found

Evaluating alternative targeting of social assistance in fragile settings
Last registered on December 20, 2023
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Humanitarian Aid and Refugee Self-Reliance
Last registered on December 20, 2023
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Building social skills and social capital among refugee children
Last registered on December 20, 2023
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Effect of a short term contact intervention on inter-ethnic trust in Senegal
Last registered on December 19, 2023
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Productivity and Cohesion in Inter-ethnic Schools
Last registered on December 06, 2023
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Refugee and Host Integration through the Safety Net Impact Evaluation
Last registered on November 01, 2023
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Understanding the Impacts of a Civic Participation Initiative in Rwanda: Experimental Findings
Last registered on November 01, 2023
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Social preferences and refugee integration in Jordan
Last registered on October 31, 2023
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