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368 Trials Found

Perceived versus objective risk of a natural disaster
Last registered on January 19, 2024
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C93 Field Experiments - D91 Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making

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Stigma and Social Safety Net Program Participation
Last registered on January 15, 2024
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D91, I38

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Removing Barriers to Program Enrollment: Experimental Evidence from SNAP
Last registered on January 14, 2024
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C(3, H51, H75, I18, I38

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Promoting Venezuelan migrants' registration to Sisbén
Last registered on January 11, 2024
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C93, D83, D90, I38, O15

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Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self Sufficiency – Next Generation (BIAS-NG): Los Angeles County, Child Welfare
Last registered on January 09, 2024
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of Welfare Programs) H75 (State and Local GovernmentHealthEducationWelfarePublic PensionsIntergovernmental Relations)

, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making) I38 (Government PolicyProvision and Effects

H53 (Government Expenditures and Welfare Programs) D91 (Role and Effects of Psychological

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Welfare, Work, and Wellbeing: Evidence from an Informal Settlement in Kenya
Last registered on January 04, 2024
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D1: Household Behavior; H: Public Economics

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