Search Results

251 Trials Found

Savings and consumption responses to student loan forbearance
Last registered on March 22, 2023
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G50, G51, D14, D91, I22, H3, H81, E21

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Evaluation of learning recovery program from COVID-19 for students in Samut Sakhon, Thailand: A randomized controlled Trial
Last registered on March 19, 2023
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I25 Education and Economic Development; I15 Health and Economic Development

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Child human capital production: A field experiment in the Solomon Islands and East Timor
Last registered on March 07, 2023
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Household; Education and Economic Development; Welfare, Well-Being, and Poverty; Economic Development; Human Resources and Human Development; Oceania

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Improving remote learning in the context of a developing country: a tutoring intervention.
Last registered on February 28, 2023
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Analysis of Education

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The effect of financial education in college
Last registered on February 21, 2023
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D14, G53, I21, I23

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Financial Education, Health Scoring and Downstream Behaviour: Evidence from FinTech
Last registered on February 21, 2023
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The effects of known source and account labelling on the acceptability of saving by wives in Zambia
Last registered on February 21, 2023
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C93, D14, J12, Z13

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Towards Gender Equality in Inheritance: A Randomized Informational Experiment
Last registered on February 20, 2023
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J16: Economics of Gender

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Linking Outdoor and Indoor Air Pollution
Last registered on February 07, 2023
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(Valuation of Environmental Effects); C93 (Field Experiments)

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The effect of information disclosure on borrowing choices
Last registered on February 06, 2023
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C93 (Field Experiments), D14 (Personal Finance), D18 (Consumer Protection), G51 (Household Borrowing)

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