Search Results

397 Trials Found

Gender quotas: Fairness, Meritocracy, and Participation of Women in Politics
Last registered on January 15, 2024
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C93, D71, D72, D63, P16, J16

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Signals from On High and the Power of “Growth Mindset”: A Field Experiment in Workplace Diversity
Last registered on January 11, 2024
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J15, J16, C93, D22

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Gender Discrimination, Competition, Negotiation, and Self-Promotion
Last registered on January 09, 2024
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D90, E24, J16, J31, J71, M50

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Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self Sufficiency – Next Generation (BIAS-NG): Los Angeles County, Child Welfare
Last registered on January 09, 2024
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H53 (Government Expenditures and Welfare Programs) D91 (Role and Effects of Psychological

of Welfare Programs) H75 (State and Local Government • Health • Education • Welfare • Public Pensions • Intergovernmental Relations)

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Welfare, Work, and Wellbeing: Evidence from an Informal Settlement in Kenya
Last registered on January 04, 2024
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D1: Household Behavior; H: Public Economics

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Peer effects in sexual health literacy development: The role of gender
Last registered on December 21, 2023
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I21, I31, J16

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Gender Bias in Career Advice
Last registered on December 21, 2023
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A21, I21, J16

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Decision Making for Others and the Preference for Competition
Last registered on December 19, 2023
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J16, C91, D90, J24

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Experimental Evaluation of Asymmetric Family Planning Information in Tanzania
Last registered on December 15, 2023
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O12, O15, D82, J13, J16

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