Search Results

17 Trials Found

A lab-in-the-field experiment on Auction Design
Last registered on July 16, 2024
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D44 - Auctions, D82 - Asymmetric and Private Information, Mechanism Design, Q12 Micro Analysis of Farm Firms, Farm Input Markets

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Focal Points in Experimental All-pay and Winner-pay Pooled Auctions with Similar Items
Last registered on March 06, 2024
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C92, D44, I22, I28

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Technology Adoption under Emissions Taxes and Permit Markets with Price Collars
Last registered on March 06, 2024
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C90, D44, H23

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Barriers to entry in public procurement
Last registered on December 06, 2023
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D9, D22, D44, D73, H11, H57, K

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Cash versus share auctions: An experimental study
Last registered on November 13, 2023
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C72, C91, C92, D44

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Bidder Power in a Multi-Unit Auction
Last registered on November 01, 2023
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C7, C9, D44

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Strategic bidding in multi-object auctions
Last registered on October 28, 2023
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C12, C72, C91, C92, D44, D47, D82

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Dynamic Reserve Prices in Procurement: An Experiment
Last registered on October 17, 2023
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C73, C91, D44, H57, L11

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The Nature of Excess: Using Randomization to Understand How Markets Equilibrate
Last registered on October 04, 2023
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D41, D43, D44, C78

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Competition and Bribery in Auction Experiments
Last registered on November 17, 2022
Search term found in: Jel code

C92, D44, D73

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