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6 Trials Found

Female Labor Force Participation and Mixed Gender Workplaces
Last registered on July 22, 2024
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J160, O120

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Age Sets and Accountability
Last registered on February 02, 2024
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O120, Z130, Z190

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Adoption and impact of health services through mobile phones? Experimental evidence from Bangladesh
Last registered on January 01, 2024
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I12, I18, O12, O120

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Taxing the Poor Twice: Poverty, Bandwidth, and Utility from Consumption
Last registered on October 25, 2023
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O120, D90, I30

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Are opposition leaders more effective for the COVID-19 vaccination campaign than leaders of the ruling party?
Last registered on September 30, 2021
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I12, I18, D81, D910, O120

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Democratization by Accident: Does Development Aid Change Local Hierarchies?
Last registered on February 16, 2021
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D6, D7, O120, O43

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