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33 Trials Found

Perspectives and preferences of both refugees and hosts on refugee local integration in Uganda
Last registered on July 09, 2024
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Factors on Decision Making, F22 International Migration, J68 Public Policy

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Baby's First Years
Last registered on July 03, 2024
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Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs, Education and Inequality, Public Policy

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Digital communication overload in the hybrid workplace. Can it be contained?
Last registered on April 26, 2024
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J28: Safety • Job Satisfaction • Related Public Polic, J81: Working Conditions, I31: General

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Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self Sufficiency – Next Generation (BIAS-NG): Los Angeles County, Child Welfare
Last registered on January 09, 2024
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of Welfare Programs) H75 (State and Local Government • Health • Education • Welfare • Public Pensions • Intergovernmental Relations)

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Welfare, Work, and Wellbeing: Evidence from an Informal Settlement in Kenya
Last registered on January 04, 2024
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D1: Household Behavior; H: Public Economics

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Resolution of Uncertainty through Testing: The Impact of Pregnancy Tests on Reproductive and Maternal Health Beliefs and Behaviors
Last registered on December 15, 2023
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I1 Health, I18 Government Policy Regulation Public Health

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Pregnancy Testing in Northern Uganda
Last registered on December 01, 2023
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I1 Health, I18 Government Policy Regulation Public Health

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A Randomized Controlled Trial on Permanent Supportive Housing for Individuals Exiting Prison
Last registered on April 13, 2023
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/ Government Policy), H00 (Public Economics/General), J01 (Labor Economics/General)

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Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self Sufficiency – Next Generation (BIAS-NG): Los Angeles County, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Last registered on November 30, 2022
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of Welfare Programs) H75 (State and Local Government • Health • Education • Welfare • Public Pensions • Intergovernmental Relations)

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Aprender Valor: impact evaluation of a financial education programme for elementary schools
Last registered on November 02, 2022
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Government: Health, Education, Welfare, Public Pensions), I210 (Analysis of Education), I26 (Returns to

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