Moving to Opportunity Abroad: The Short-term Effects of International Educational Migration

Last registered on February 06, 2024


Trial Information

General Information

Moving to Opportunity Abroad: The Short-term Effects of International Educational Migration
Initial registration date
February 02, 2024

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
February 06, 2024, 5:19 PM EST

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.



Primary Investigator

University of Bristol

Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
Institute for International Economic Studies
PI Affiliation
Groningen University
PI Affiliation
Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods

Additional Trial Information

On going
Start date
End date
Secondary IDs
Prior work
This trial does not extend or rely on any prior RCTs.
This project evaluates the effects of international educational migration, a novel approach to reducing global inequality by helping individuals from low-income countries to study and work in high-income countries. We partner with Malengo, an NGO that supports Ugandan students to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Germany. We conduct a randomized controlled trial, exploiting that Malengo randomizes admission among qualified applicants, and compare the outcomes of applicants who are selected by Malengo and those who are not, as well as their families and communities in Uganda. Here, we focus on short-term outcomes within the first three years of students’ arrival in Germany, i.e. before they complete their degrees and enter the labor market. We measure the effects of the intervention on objective and subjective wellbeing, cognitive skills, and aspirations of applicants and their social networks in Uganda.
External Link(s)

Registration Citation

Barsbai, Toman et al. 2024. "Moving to Opportunity Abroad: The Short-term Effects of International Educational Migration." AEA RCT Registry. February 06.
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Experimental Details


Malengo is a program that provides mentoring and financial support to upper-secondary schooling graduates from Uganda who want to pursue a Bachelor’s degree at a German university. It targets qualified students with limited financial resources who likely could not afford to study at a university.

Malengo selects students through a competitive process that involves an application, essays, and interviews. Since Malengo receives more qualified applications than it can support, it randomizes admission among qualified applicants.

Once students are admitted to the program, they receive assistance in applying to English-speaking Bachelor’s programs at German universities of their choice. After being accepted to a Bachelor’s program, Malengo helps students with visa, housing, and travel arrangements. During their first year, Malengo students receive financial support that covers their living expenses (German universities do not charge tuition, only minor administrative fees). After their first year, Malengo students are expected to support themselves with part-time jobs. Malengo also provides access to a network of peers and mentors that helps students to settle in and find jobs in Germany.

Malengo does not impose any restrictions on what students do after their graduation. For instance, they can continue their studies with another degree, start a job in Germany, Uganda, or elsewhere, or explore other opportunities.

The key innovation of Malengo’s program is that it substantially reduces the barriers to international educational migration. The program is sustainable by using an income share agreement to help pay back the initial financial support. Once supported students earn a sufficiently high income, they are expected to contribute a percentage of their income back to the program for a specified period of time and up to a specific maximum amount. This approach helps to ensure that (i) international educational migration becomes accessible to poor, qualified young adults from low-income countries, (ii) students can make important life decisions (e.g., where to live and what type of job to have) without worrying about repayment obligations, and (iii) the financial support provided by Malengo is sustainable and scalable.
Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
Here, we focus on short-term outcomes that are measured within the first three years of students’ arrival in Germany, i.e., before they complete their degrees and eventually enter the labor market with full-time jobs. We aim to identify the direct effects of the intervention on applicants and the spillover effects on non-applicants who remain in Uganda. Non-applicants include applicants’ parents, siblings, and friends. We pool different groups of non-applicants and consider them in a joint sample when estimating spillover effects. Here is an overview of the primary outcomes for applicants and non-applicants:

1) Income: Applicants and non-applicants (parents)
2) Subjective wellbeing and mental health: Applicants and non-applicants (parents, siblings, and friends)
3) Numeracy: Applicants
4) Aspirations: Non-applicants (parents, siblings, and friends)
Primary Outcomes (explanation)
Please refer to the document "Primary and Secondary Outcomes", in which we describe how we define the outcomes.

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
As before, we distinguish between applicants and non-applicants (applicants’ parents, siblings, and friends). Here is an overview of the secondary outcomes for applicants and non-applicants:

1) Studying at university and residing abroad: Applicants
2) Assets: Applicants and non-applicants (parents)
3) Discrimination, sexual harassment, and safety: Applicants
4) Expectations: Non-applicants (parents, siblings, and friends)
5) Perceived benefits and costs of international migration: Applicants and non-applicants (siblings and friends)
6) Investment in the future: Non-applicants (siblings and friends)
7) Labor market outcomes: Applicants
8) Job quality and working conditions: Applicants
9) Democratic and egalitarian attitudes: Applicants and non-applicants (parents, siblings, and friends)
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
Please refer to the document "Primary and Secondary Outcomes", in which we describe how we define the outcomes.

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
Since Malengo receives more qualified applications than it can support, it randomizes admission among qualified applicants. We can hence conduct a randomized controlled trial and overcome the key empirical challenge that plagues research on migration: Non-migrants are usually a poor comparison group to estimate credible counterfactual outcomes of migrants.

Randomization is based on all shortlisted qualified applicants. We use stratified randomization to improve the precision of the estimates. We form strata based on the gender of the applicant, whether they come from the Greater Kampala region or not, and whether they attended the arts or science stream in secondary school. Within each stratum, we form octuplets based on applicants’ standardized test scores in the final secondary school exams. Within each octuplet, we assign up to half of the applicants to the treatment group and the remaining applicants to the control group. Our ability to oversample the control group will depend on the availability of research funds, the number of qualified applicants to the Malengo program, and Malengo’s operational budget and recruitment schedule. We use octuplets instead of smaller groups, such as matched pairs, to make our research design more robust to attrition ( The intervention is the same for all treated applicants, with some minor differences in the level of support available in different years, changes in the conditions of the income share agreement, living stipends, etc. There is one treatment and one control group.

We follow Malengo’s recruitment schedule and interview shortlisted qualified applicants from the 2021/2022/2023/2024/2025 cohorts of Malengo students. We may interview applicants from later cohorts to reach a sufficiently large sample size. We will determine the final sample size before analyzing any treatment effects. We also interview applicants’ parents (or alternative caregivers if they do not live with their parents), siblings, friends, neighbors, and neighbors’ children in Uganda to identify spillover effects (we will consider neighbors and neighbors’ children only for longer-term outcomes). There are three different versions of the questionnaire: (i) the youth questionnaire (for applicants, and adult siblings, friends, and neighbors’ children), (ii) the child questionnaire (for minor siblings, friends, and neighbors’ children), and (iii) the household questionnaire (for parents, neighbors, and applicants who do not live with their parents). The first follow-up interviews will take place in early 2024.

The analysis will be based on a survey that tracks respondents over space and time. We conduct baseline interviews with all respondents. They take place before Malengo informs applicants about the (non-)successful application to avoid anticipation effects. We plan to conduct follow-up interviews with applicants every year and with other types of respondents at least once within the first three years of students’ arrival in Germany (toward the end of this period).

We will use the following equation to estimate the impact of the intervention:

Y_it = a + b Malengo_i + X’_i c + u_it

where Y_it is the outcome variable of interest for applicant i in year t after the applicant’s planned arrival in Germany. Malengo_i is the treatment dummy indicating whether the applicant has been admitted to the Malengo program. Based on experience with existing cohorts of Malengo students, we expect compliance to be high. X_i is a vector of baseline control variables. It includes the baseline value of the respective outcome variable wherever possible. It also includes randomization strata, Malengo cohort, survey wave, year of observation, and type of respondent fixed effects.

We will use the post-double-selection lasso estimation proposed by Belloni et al. (2014) to select additional control variables. We will consider the following baseline variables as inputs for the procedure (including parents’ values where appropriate): Age, gender, tribe, educational attainment, enrollment status, marital status, household size, number of children 0-5, number of children 6-18, UACE/UCE scores, physical health index, self-efficacy index, remittances received at baseline, remittances sent at baseline, business ownership, value of real estate owned, house ownership, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, house quality index, frequency of praying, importance of family/friends/leisure time/politics/work/religion/tradition in life, number of close friends, role of luck vs. effort for economic outcomes, desired level of redistribution of income, economic preferences, Big-5 personality traits, curiosity index, social desirability index, worries index, lived abroad for at least three months, having been overseas, number of people known abroad, number of Malengo scholars known, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tiktok account ownership, district, rural/urban, and baseline values of all primary and secondary outcomes. We will use dummies to indicate missing baseline data and replace missing values with zero, including both variables in the set of potential control variables for the post-double-selection lasso estimation.

We will make the following adjustments to variables if needed. First, some variables might have minimal variation and thus reduce the power to detect an impact. We will therefore exclude all variables for which 95 percent of observations of the relevant sample or more have the same value. Second, we will winsorize continuous monetary variables (e.g., incomes, consumption expenditures, asset values) at the 99th percentile and carry out the inverse hyperbolic sine transformation to reduce the influence of outliers. Third, we will consider replacing missing outcome data (e.g., due to attrition) with observed data from a previous follow-up interview or a proxy interview with a knowledgeable family member or friend.

We will use the same specification to analyze spillover effects and estimate it for the pooled sample of the different groups of non-applicants (which we specify for the different primary and secondary outcomes above). We will also report results for estimating the treatment effects separately for the different types of non-applicants (but our focus remains on the pooled sample). We will use OLS to estimate the equation above and cluster standard errors at the level of applicants. For outcomes with zeros and positive values such as income, we will also consider using Poisson regressions to express the treatment effect in levels as a percentage (Chen and Roth, Logs with Zeros? Some Problems and Solutions, Quarterly Journal of Economics, forthcoming).

We will test for effect heterogeneity along the following dimensions: (i) gender, (ii) ability (based on baseline grades), (iii) socio-economic status (based on per-capita consumption expenditures of parents’ households). We will do so by interacting the treatment dummy with a variable that captures the respective dimension of heterogeneity. We may also consider exploring effect heterogeneity using modern machine-learning methods (based on the baseline variables suggested for the post-double-selection lasso procedure above).

We will rely on outcome indices, as defined by Anderson (2008), to reduce the number of hypotheses. These indices are inverse covariance weighted averages of standardized z-scores of individual outcomes, where individual outcomes are recoded so that higher values correspond to “more favorable” outcomes. In addition, we will adjust for multiple testing across the primary outcomes within types of respondents controlling for the false discovery rate. We will not adjust for multiple testing across secondary outcomes, individual outcomes within domains, types of respondents, or dimensions of heterogeneity as we put less emphasis on these results.

We will consider replacing any methods mentioned above with superior methods if they become available by the time of conducting the analysis.

Note that we follow the guidance provided by Duflo et al. (2020) on pre-analysis plans and only use these fields in the AEA RCT Registry rather than a separate document.
Experimental Design Details
Not available
Randomization Method
Stratified randomization by computer
Randomization Unit
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
The treatment is not clustered.
Sample size: planned number of observations
Our target number of observations is about 800 applicants (and the same number of parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, and neighbors’ children). However, the actual number of observations will depend on the availability of research funds, the number of qualified applicants to the Malengo program, and Malengo’s operational budget and recruitment schedule. We will determine the final sample size before analyzing any treatment effects.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
At least half of the applicants in the sample (and the corresponding numbers of parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, and neighbors’ children) will be in the control group. Our ability to oversample the control group will depend on the availability of research funds, the number of qualified applicants to the Malengo program (on which randomization is based), and Malengo’s operational budget and recruitment schedule.
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)
Supporting Documents and Materials


Document Name
Primary and Secondary Outcomes
Document Type
Document Description
Primary and Secondary Outcomes

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Uploaded At: February 02, 2024


Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

IRB Name
Mildmay Uganda Research and Ethics Committee (MUREC)
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number