Experimental Design
I account for potential spillovers by implementing a two-step randomization process: the national labor market is partitioned into mostly self-contained segments (”clusters”), and these segments are randomly assigned to high (75%) vs. low (25%) treatment intensity. Within clusters, randomly chosen ads are then proportionally assigned to treatment or control. Labor market segments are defined on the basis of their occupation-industry classification, and these occupation-industry cells are further collapsed if they – based on historical data from the portal – shared at least 10% of their applicant pool with each other. Assignment of clusters to high and low intensity groups is stratified by cluster size (number of job ads they contained in historical data) such that about 50% of ads on average should be treated (assuming distribution of ads across clusters during the experiment is similar to that of baseline administrative data).
The experiment is initiated when employers start filling out a form to post a job on the platform. Currently, it is mandatory for firms to report the minimum and maximum salary for a job to the job platform but may choose to hide it from the job seekers by checking a box to “Hide the salary range from appearing on your job post” - an option which is available next to the salary range fields. This box is unchecked by default, i.e., salaries are visible by default.
In the experiment, once firms report their industry, and the occupation category of the job, a random number from 0 to 100 will be generated at the backend and firms will be assigned to treatment if the random number is less than or equal to X where X equals 25 for low treatment intensity clusters and 75 for high treatment intensity clusters.
Treatment ads will not be shown the option to hide the salary range. i.e., for them, the option “Hide the salary range from appearing on your job post” will never appear.
Instead, under the salary range fields, they will be displayed the following text:
“To find you the best match, the salary for this job will be displayed in the ad, as part of a reform. Click [here] to learn more.”
Clicking “learn more” generates a pop-up that describes the objectives of the study in more detail, and explains that salary ranges for select positions will be randomly chosen to be disclosed to jobseekers for the duration of the study. If firms have any concerns or questions, they are provided the email and phone number of the support staff of the platform as well as the PI of the study for getting in touch.
When treated the firms enter the salary range in the salary fields, a “Confirmation” pop-up will also appear to remind firms:
“Please be advised that the salary for your posted job will be displayed in the job details for potential candidates. [ Confirm ] ”
where they can only proceed if they press the “Confirm” button to confirm that they have understood that their salary will be posted publicly.
Firms that have queries or reservations may get in touch with the platform or the PI via the contact details provided in the pop-up described above. Upon contact (which they’re more likely to establish with the platform staff that they’re more familiar with than the PI), they will be informed about the objectives of the study as described in the “learn more” pop-up above. Treated firms who wish to keep their salaries hidden at this stage may ask to be excluded from the experiment. They will be allowed to override the experiment and hide the salary but face a higher time cost to doing so than in status quo, i.e., they call a support staff member at the platform, hear the pitch for the experiment, inform the support staff member that they understand the objectives but still prefer not to post salaries, and wait before they can post the ad for the support staff to notify the platform’s development team, and in turn for the development team to implement this exception. Firms will be asked if they wish to be granted the exception for this job post alone, or for all future posts, and their request will be implemented accordingly. These firms or ads will be considered non-compliers in the treatment group in my analysis.