Search Results

31 Trials Found

Salary Disclosure in Job Ads
Last registered on June 24, 2024
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J01, J08, J16, J22, J23, J31, J33

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Eliciting Preferences for Workplace Characteristics
Last registered on April 26, 2024
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J31, J32, J33, J64, J81

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Fostering Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Role of Public Recognition
Last registered on March 31, 2024
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; Compensation and Compensation Methods and Their Effects, M54 - Labor Management , J33 - Compensation

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Decision-Making in Virtual Team Leadership: The Impact of Timing on Reward Distribution – An Online RCT Study
Last registered on December 05, 2023
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C91, D23, J33, L23, M12, M54

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The Effects of Cash-Plus-Job-Training Programs on Young Adults: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Last registered on July 20, 2023
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J24, J28, J30, J31, J33, J38, I24, I26, I28, I38

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Demand for Pay Transparency Among Hollywood Creatives
Last registered on June 23, 2023
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J16, J33, J51

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The Hiring at Top Startups (HATS) Study
Last registered on April 13, 2023
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J23, J33, L26

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Leadership Choice in Non-Routine Analytical Team Tasks - Lab-in-the-field Evidence
Last registered on December 19, 2022
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C92, C93, J33, D03, M52

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Common Ownership and Firm Strategic Behaviour – Endogenous Ownership & Strategic Uncertainty
Last registered on November 08, 2022
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L13, L14, L41, J33, G32, D21

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