Primary Outcomes (explanation)
- Educational attainment: years of schooling, types of schooling, degrees completed
- Cognitive outcomes: score on achievement test, raven's matrix, digit recall
- Attitudes and preferences: willingness to express opinions, willingness to contribute to public goods, risk aversion, discount rates, fatalism, extroversion, conformism
- Labor market outcomes: Labor market participation, career choices, earnings)
- Non-formal sector livelihoods: coping patterns, use of fertilizer etc
- Savings and asset accumulation: use of formal and informal savings mechanisms, money management etc
- Marriage outcomes: age at marriage, spouse’s characteristics;
- Fertility: age at first pregnancy, number of children, spacing, desired family size
- Health and reproductive health: hygiene and water use habits, days of work, incidence of common diseases such as diarrhea of self and children, nutritional behavior, maternal and child health
- Civic and political participation; beliefs, values, attitudes.
- Outcomes for relatives of scholarship recipients (health and welfare of parents or guardians and siblings, educational achievement of siblings).
For offspring study focused on intergenerational effects: The components of the cognitive development measured are children’s executive function, children’s language skills, children’s math and numeracy, children’s social cognition, children's spatial reasoning.