Experimental Design Details
We will take the baseline listing of villages in numerous sub-districts in North Aceh district and randomly select villages to roll out the program in. I.e., if the proposed listing of 60 villages, for example, then the Research Team would randomly select 15 for batch 1, 15 for batch 2, etc, where the 15 batch 1 villages could be anywhere in the district. The Research Team may propose a stratification design to ensure greater geographic balance.
Later, from the selected villages for batch 1, the Research Team and the Implementation Team then recruit farmers to participate in the SCPP program. From these recruited farmers, the Research Team will randomly select 60%-70% as respondents. Same thing will apply for future cohorts.
To separately identify the effects of UTZ certification, the Research Team will compare farmers who “just” qualify for being invited into certification in a given year, and those who “just” miss out. To facilitate this, we will work with the implementing partner to generate a quantitative index on which farmers are judged in their readiness for certification, based on implementing partner’s internal assessment system.
The identification process for first batch of 500 farmers will be ongoing through May, 2017, while identification of the remaining farmers will be ongoing during the respective batches. Batch 1 will receive the program in second quarter 2017 (training of farmers would start by May, 2017). Batches 2-4 will receive the training program subsequently, with batch 4 not receiving the program before 2019.
From these selected 15 villages for batch 1, the Research Team and the Implementation Team will recruit 500 farmers who will later be randomised (60%-70% of total farmers; 20 respondents per village) to determine the sample respondents for the research.
The certification program will use UTZ certification. Farmer groups will be offered the option to join the UTZ program as they are assessed to be ready based on implementing partner’s internal assessment process. A large cocoa buyer is involved as a potential buyer of certified cocoa, the company is not directly involved in the delivery of the program. There may also be a possibility to sell fermented cocoa to a Jakarta-based processor for the domestic market.
Furthermore, for UTZ certification, the comparison would be made between farmer groups who were relatively close to the boundary of whether or not to be invited to join certification, and qualified, to those who were relatively close to the boundary, but not invited. Given that farmer groups just below and just about the boundary are not likely to be drastically different, if we observe large differences between the two then we could attribute those to the certification program.
Proposed Timeline:
1. March, 2017. Full sample (~60 villages) identified. Full sample then are randomised to generate list of villages for each batch.
2. April 25 - May 5, 2017. Training of Trainers for Key Farmer in batch 1 selected villages.
3. May 8-12, 2017. Training of enumerators.
4. May 12, 2017. Implementing partner will provide a full listing of all farmers (names, contact details), their groups, and the project villages, providing GPS coordinates where possible.
5. May 15, 2017. Training of batch 1 farmers begins. Surveys ongoing.
6. 2017-2018. Batches 2 and 3 receive the program.
7. 2019 or later. Batch 4 receives the program.