Experimental Design
The study consists of several parts that each participant will complete in the following sequence:
• Recruitment and selection questionnaire: Provides details on the study, tasks, effort involved and payment offered. Potential participants are also asked to state dietary restrictions / preferences. This is used to focus on a sample that at least occasionally eats meat, fish and related products.
• Food diary part 1: Participants complete a brief survey for each of the main meals of a day for three subsequent days (Sun., Mon., Tue.) and are asked to provide a picture of the meal or a verbal description.
• Intermediate survey/intervention: After completing the previous stage, this survey asks for food shopping habits and other food related topics but most importantly contains the randomized treatments (details provided in 'intervention' section).
• Food diary part 2: Participants complete a brief survey for each of the main meals of a day for three subsequent days (Sun., Mon., Tue.) and are asked to provide a picture of the meal or a verbal description.
• Exit survey: Participants are asked a set of standard socio-economic characteristics and questions related to meat consumption.