Primary Outcomes (explanation)
We will use endline grades in English and Biology, taken from administrative data. We will use term 3 grades for forms 2 and 3, and MSCE national exam grades for form 4 students (these students do not have a term 3 grade). We will standardize each grade by subtracting the mean within the school and form, and dividing by the control group standard deviation, again within the school and form.
English and Biology were chosen as primary outcomes for two reasons. First, these are core subjects, and we therefore expect to have data for most students. Second, we hypothesize that Wikipedia is a particularly good resource for these subjects, compared to other core subjects (Math, Physics and Chichewa). Wikipedia allows students to practice English comprehension. Biology students must learn a large volume of information, and are likely to benefit from information based study materials. Physics and Math, on the other hand, require students to practice skills for which information on Wikipedia might be less useful. Chichewa is a Malawian local language with little representation on Wikipedia.
Primary and secondary outcomes were chosen pre-analysis. These outcomes are identified in our pre-intervention ethics application (upon request).