Primary Outcomes (explanation)
Binary indicator that any one of the following is true: physical_push_5mo_w > 0; physical_slap_5mo_w > 0; physical_twist_5mo_w > 0; physical_punch_5mo_w > 0; physical_kick_5mo_w > 0; physical_choke_5mo_w > 0; physical_weapon_5mo_w > 0; sexual_forced_intercourse_5mo_w > 0; sexual_forced_other_acts_5mo_w > 0; sexual_threaten_5mo_w > 0.
Mean of the following variables, coded between 0 and 1: fin_control_w_i = 1 if "Self/Own Choice", .5 if "Give Part to Husband/Partner", 0 if "Give All To Husband/Partner";
fin_control_work_w_i = 1 if no, 0 if yes;
fin_control_take_money_w_i = 1 if no, 0 if yes;
fin_control_keep_money_w_i = 1 if no, 0 if yes;
control_friends_w_i = 1 if no, 0 if yes;
control_family_w_i = 1 if no, 0 if yes;
control_whereabouts_w_i = 1 if no, 0 if yes;
control_mobile_w_i = 1 if no, 0 if yes;
dm_earnings_resp_w_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_earnings_partners_w_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_large_purchase_w_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_health_w_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_visit_family_w_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_windfall_resp_w_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_windfall_partner_w_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_earnings_resp_m_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_earnings_partners_m_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_large_purchase_m_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_health_m_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_visit_family_m_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_windfall_resp_m_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise;
dm_windfall_partner_m_i = 1 if female partner makes or is involved in decision-making; 0 otherwise.
Income_r_sep_amt_m = 1 if no, 0 if yes;
control_general_w_i = 1 if I have control over all such decisions, .66 if I have control over most such decisions, .33 if I have control over some of these decisions, 0 if I don’t control any of these decisions.
Mean of the following variables, coded between 0 and 1:
no_to_sex_strategies_m_i = 1 if male partner indicates he will take a non-coercive path when refused sex by his partner (don't have sex or talk about it); 0 otherwise (persuade her, she always wants to have sex, have sex anyway);
control_sex_w_i = 1 if female partner feels she has control over all decisions about when to have sex with husband; .66 if "most such" decisions; .33 over "some of these decisions"; 0 if female partner expresses not having any control;
initiate_sex_w_i = 1 if female partner indicates always, .66 if sometimes; .33 if rarely; 0 if never;
no_to_sex_w_i = 1 if female partner feels very confident saying no to sex, .5 if somewhat confident, 0 if not at all confident;
no_to_sex_threatens_w_i = 1 if female partner indicates no, 0 if yes;
ever_pressured_w_i = 1 if female partner never feels pressured into sex, .66 if not often, .33 if sometimes, 0 if often.
Mean of the following variables, coded between 0 and 1:
disc_day_m_i = average of disc_day_p_m_i and disc_day_r_m_i, where the first concerns the male partner's perception of how often the couple discusses things in the female partner's day, and the second concerns the male partner's perception of frequency of discussing things in their own day: both sub-items coded 1 for many times, .66 for a few times, .33 for once, 0 for never;
disc_worry_m_i = average of disc_worry_p_m_i and disc_worry_r_m_i, where the first concerns the male partner's perception of how often the couple discusses the female partner's worries or feelings, and the second concerns the male partner's perception of frequency of discussing his own worries or feelings: both sub-items coded 1 for many times, .66 for a few times, .33 for once, 0 for never;
disc_sex_m_i = 1 if male partner reports discussing sexual relationship many times, .66 if a few, .33 if once, 0 if never;
disc_day_w_i = average of disc_day_p_w_i and disc_day_r_w_i, where the first concerns the female partner's perception of how often the couple discusses things in the male partner's day, and the second concerns the female partner's perception of frequency of discussing things in their own day: both sub-items coded 1 for many times, .66 for a few times, .33 for once, 0 for never;
disc_worry_w_i = average of disc_worry_p_w_i and disc_worry_r_w_i, where the first concerns the female partner's perception of how often the couple discusses the male partner's worries or feelings, and the second concerns the female partner's perception of frequency of discussing her own worries or feelings: both sub-items coded 1 for many times, .66 for a few times, .33 for once, 0 for never;
disc_sex_w_i = 1 if female partner reports discussing sexual relationship many times, .66 if a few, .33 if once, 0 if never;
comm_1_m_i = 1 if male partner reports female partner never interrupts, .66 if rarely, .33 if sometimes, 0 if always;
comm_2_m_i = 1 if male partner reports female partner always listens, .66 if sometimes, .33 if rarely, 0 if never;
comm_3_m_i = 1 if male partner reports female partner always comforts when he is having problems, .66 if sometimes, .33 if rarely, 0 if never;
comm_4_m_1 = 1 if male partner reports female partner always thanks him for things he does, .66 if sometimes, .33 if rarely, 0 if never;
comm_5_m_i = 1 if male partner reports female partner never says things that make him feel small, .66 if rarely, .33 if sometimes, 0 if always;
comm_1_w_i = 1 if female partner reports male partner never interrupts, .66 if rarely, .33 if sometimes, 0 if always;
comm_2_w_i = 1 if female partner reports male partner always listens, .66 if sometimes, .33 if rarely, 0 if never;
comm_3_w_i = 1 if female partner reports male partner always comforts when she is having problems, .66 if sometimes, .33 if rarely, 0 if never;
comm_4_w_i = 1 if female partner reports male partner always thanks her for things she does, .66 if sometimes, .33 if rarely, 0 if never;
comm_5_w_i = 1 if female partner reports male partner never says things that make her feel small, .66 if rarely, .33 if sometimes, 0 if always;
how_arg_calm_m_i = 1 if either there is no category of arguments the respondent reports having had or they had at least one kind of argument and respondent's partner often expressed feelings in calm and respectful way, 0 otherwise;
how_arg_listened_m_i = 1 if either there is no category of arguments the respondent reports having had or they had at least one kind of argument and respondent's partner often tried to see respondent's side of things, 0 otherwise;
how_arg_yell_m_i = 1 if either there is no category of arguments the respondent reports having had or they had at least one kind of argument and respondent's partner never yelled, insulted or swore, 0 otherwise;
how_arg_threat_m_i = 1 if either there is no category of arguments the respondent reports having had or they had at least one kind of argument and respondent's partner never threatened in some way, 0 otherwise;
how_arg_left_m_i = 1 if either there is no category of arguments the respondent reports having had or they had at least one kind of argument and respondent's partner often left so that she could calm down when argument was heated, 0 otherwise;
how_arg_calm_w_i = 1 if either there is no category of arguments the respondent reports having had or they had at least one kind of argument and respondent's partner often expressed feelings in calm and respectful way, 0 otherwise;
how_arg_listened_w_i = 1 if either there is no category of arguments the respondent reports having had or they had at least one kind of argument and respondent's partner often tried to see respondent's side of things, 0 otherwise;
how_arg_yell_w_i = 1 if either there is no category of arguments the respondent reports having had or they had at least one kind of argument and respondent's partner never yelled, insulted or swore, 0 otherwise;
how_arg_threat_w_i = 1 if either there is no category of arguments the respondent reports having had or they had at least one kind of argument and respondent's partner never threatened in some way, 0 otherwise;
how_arg_left_w_i = 1 if either there is no category of arguments the respondent reports having had or they had at least one kind of argument and respondent's partner often left so that he could calm down when argument was heated, 0 otherwise;
Conflict_2_m_i = 1 if the partner disagrees strongly that they’ve held back feelings to avoid a conflict, .66 if they disagree, .33 if they agree, and 0 if they agree strongly.
Conflict_3_m_i = 1 if the partner strongly agrees they have good strategies for resolving disagreements, .66 if they agree, .33 if they disagree, and 0 if they disagree strongly.
Conflict_2_w_i = 1 if the partner disagrees strongly that they’ve held back feelings to avoid a conflict, .66 if they disagree, .33 if they agree, and 0 if they agree strongly.
Conflict_3_w_i = 1 if the partner strongly agrees they have good strategies for resolving disagreements, .66 if they agree, .33 if they disagree, and 0 if they disagree strongly.