Labor Income Reward Palan: The scheme of the Labor Income Reward Plan is similar to EITC in the United States. Namely, for the first 400 RMB (80 USD) earning per capita, the reward will be a 50% of the earnings for households with less one child, and a 40% for those with two or more children. When the earning per capita is between 400 RMB to 600 RMB, the reward is 200 RMB per capita for households with less than one child and 160 RMB per capita for households with two or more children. Then, the reward will start to decline as the earnings increases. The rate of decline is 50% for households with less than one child and 40% for households with two or more children. At this rate, the reward will decline to zero once the earning reaches 1,000 RMB regardless of the number of children.