Primary Outcomes (explanation)
For Social Distancing interventions:
The primary outcome will be an indicator for the respondent practicing social distancing. It will be constructed from two component indicators: the own report of practicing social distancing, and others’ report of the respondent’s practicing social distancing. The primary outcome will be equal to one if both the own report and others’ report of practicing social distancing is equal to one, and zero otherwise. Some detail below and see Analysis Plan for further details.
-Others’ and self-report of social interactions: Others’ reports of social interactions with respondent. Taken from the question ask for up to 10 other study participants in one’s social network and neighbors within 200m: Did you talk to / stand within 1.5 meters / shake hands or otherwise touch (insert name) in last 14 days?
-Index of household social distancing behaviors: Ask about whether or not the household attends social gatherings, leaves the household area, avoids crowded areas, keeps a distance of 1.5 meters from others, frequently wash hands, informs others if sick, and more…
◦ Is this something you think people should be doing?
◦ Is this something your household has been doing for the last 7 days?
For Knowledge interventions:
-Index of COVID-19 overall knowledge - number of correct responses to knowledge questions about coronavirus symptoms, prevention, how it spreads, and who is most at risk; household social distancing and self-prevention behaviors. Confidence with which responses are given.