Search Results

26 Trials Found

Hiring Effective Health Promoters
Last registered on May 16, 2024
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Dean Yang

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Goal Setting for Remittances
Last registered on December 20, 2023
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Dean Yang

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Pre-departure Interventions for Migrant Domestic Workers
Last registered on November 27, 2023
Search term found in: Other primary

Dean Yang

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Barriers to Enrollment in Health Insurance Programs
Last registered on June 23, 2021
Search term found in: Other primary

Dean Yang

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Aspirations and Financial Decisions: Evidence from the Philippines
Last registered on February 01, 2021
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Dean Yang

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Labeled Remittances
Last registered on October 21, 2019
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Dean Yang

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