Secondary Outcomes (end points)
Our secondary outcomes focus on mechanisms and include knowledge about educational migration programs and the returns to international educational migration, perceived benefits and costs of international educational migration, study effort, effort spent on planning the future, agency, self-efficacy, and subjective wellbeing.
We list our secondary outcomes below, marked with a plus sign (+). Outcomes that measure mechanisms are marked with an asterisk (*).
1) Manipulation check based on immediate follow-up and endline survey +
a) Individual items to be analyzed as before-after comparison for treated students and comparison between treated and non-treated students:
- On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means not important at all and 10 extremely important, how important is your performance in the lower/upper secondary school (UCE/UACE) exams for your future quality of life?
- Would you like to study at a university abroad?
- On a scale from 0-100, what do you think is the percent chance that you will get a degree from a university abroad in the near future?
b) Which aspect of the Malengo program have students understood? Share of correct responses among treated students for each individual item:
- What is the Malengo program?
- Which of the following is NOT a requirement to apply for the Malengo program?
- What subjects are the Malengo scholars allowed to study?
- Which of the following is NOT an option that Malengo scholars use to support themselves?
- Out of 100 university graduates in Germany, how many of them find jobs after graduation?
c) What do students take away from the intervention? Tabulate responses for each item:
- I can relate to one of the Malengo scholars in the video.
- I can imagine being a Malengo scholar.
- Studying abroad would increase my chances of getting a well-paid job.
- Studying abroad would be an opportunity to acquire new skills and broaden my horizons.
- Studying abroad would allow me to meet new people and experience new things.
- Studying abroad would be fun.
- Studying abroad would allow me to become independent from my family.
- Studying abroad would be challenging.
- What is the *one* thing that you take away from the video? (grouped by main themes)
d) Share of treated students who have visited the Malengo website
2) Knowledge (first stage)
- Have you heard of any programs that help you to study abroad? [If yes]: Which programs? (dummy for mentioning Malengo) +
- What are the average monthly earnings of a worker with university education in Europe? +
- What are the average monthly earnings of a worker with university education in Uganda? +
- What are the average monthly earnings of a worker with only an upper secondary school certificate (UACE) in Uganda? +
- Ratio of average monthly earnings of a worker with university education in Europe to average monthly earnings of a worker with only an upper secondary school certificate (UACE) in Uganda +
3) Index of perceived benefits/costs of international educational migration +
a) Index of perceived benefits from educational migration *
- Studying abroad would increase my chances of getting a well-paid job.
- Studying abroad would be an opportunity to acquire new skills and broaden my horizons.
- Studying abroad would allow me to meet new people and experience new things.
- Studying abroad would be fun.
- Studying abroad would allow me to become independent from my family.
b) Index of perceived costs of international migration (reverse coded) *
- Studying abroad would be challenging.
- Studying abroad would be expensive and hard to finance.
- Number of reasons mentioned which might discourage you to live, study, or work abroad
4) Index of study effort +
- On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means not important at all and 10 extremely important, how important is your performance in the lower/upper secondary school (UCE/UACE) exams for your future quality of life? *
- How many days have you arrived late for school or skipped some classes?
- How many hours of private tutoring have you received in total?
- How many practice tests, including mock exams offered by the school, have you completed?
- How many hours did you spend on preparing for the lower/upper secondary school (UCE/UACE) exams outside of class in total? *
5) Other outcomes related to test scores
- Difference between expected and realized lower/upper secondary school (UCE/UACE) exam score +
- Dummy for two principal passes in upper secondary school (UACE) exam +
6) Index of parental inputs +
- My parents/caregivers provide emotional support for my educational efforts.
- My parents/caregivers support my educational efforts by involving me less in other tasks such as housework, childcare, or helping out in the family business/farm.
7) Index of teacher inputs +
a) Index of teacher inputs as reported by students *
- My teachers care a lot for me and are genuinely pleased to see me succeed in my studies.
- My teachers support me in planning my future after school.
- My teachers make an extra effort to prepare me for the lower/upper secondary school (UCE/UACE) exams.
- My teachers show an interest in every student’s learning.
b) Index of teacher inputs as reported by teachers *
- The learning outcomes of my students are more important than their social connections for their future.
- Good teaching has an impact on students beyond the school, leading to a better life, good jobs and higher earnings for students.
- I care for my students and want them to succeed in their studies.
- I help my students in planning their future after school.
8) Efforts spent on planning the future
a) Index of effort spent on future abroad +
- I looked for information about studying abroad.
- I looked for information about careers abroad.
- I looked for information about programs that help me study abroad.
- I looked for information about migrating to another country.
- I talked to my family or friends about studying abroad.
- I talked to my family or friends about working abroad.
- I talked to my teachers about studying abroad.
- I talked to my teachers about working abroad.
b) Index of effort spent on future in Uganda +
- I looked for information about studying in Uganda.
- I looked for information about careers in Uganda.
- I looked for information about programs that help me study in Uganda.
- I talked to my family or friends about studying in Uganda.
- I talked to my family or friends about working in Uganda.
- I talked to my teachers about studying in Uganda.
- I talked to my teachers about working in Uganda.
9) Agency and self-efficacy
a) Index of agency +
- Some people believe that individuals can decide their own destiny, while others think that it is impossible to escape a predetermined fate. Please tell me which comes closest to your view on this scale on which 1 means “everything in life is determined by fate” and 10 means “people shape their fate themselves.” *
- Trying hard at school will help me get a good job.
- Trying hard at school will help me get into a good university.
b) Index of self-efficacy +
- If someone opposes me, I can find the means and ways to get what I want.
- It is easy for me to stick to my aims and accomplish my goals.
- I am confident that I could deal efficiently with unexpected events.
- Thanks to my resourcefulness, I know how to handle unforeseen situations.
- I can remain calm when facing difficulties because I can rely on my coping abilities.
- I can usually handle whatever comes my way.
10) Direction of interest
- Which subject would you like to study in a university for a degree program? +
- In which occupation do you want to work when you are 35 years old? +
11) Subjective wellbeing
- All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days on a scale from 1 to 10? +
Additional longer-run outcomes (based on data from additional follow-up surveys conditional on obtaining more funding)
- Mental health
- Applied to Malengo or other scholarships for university studies (if so, was application successful)
- Enrolled in A-level (for O-level students) or university (for A-level students) (if so, which subject)
- Labor market outcomes such as employment status, income, and type of job
- Place of residence (moved, Greater Kampala, abroad)
- Marital status and children
- Effects on siblings