Search Results

456 Trials Found

Sunk Costs and Exercising
Last registered on May 03, 2023
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D91, I12

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At least you´ve tried – The value of safety nets in betting against the inner bastard
Last registered on April 26, 2023
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C93, D91, I12

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Recruitment, selection effects and external validity in clinical trials
Last registered on April 19, 2023
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D91, I12

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Willingness to pay to access information about aflatoxin
Last registered on March 13, 2023
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D12, D83,D64, I12,,Q13,Q18

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Expanding Diversity in Economics
Last registered on March 01, 2023
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A22, I21, J15, J16

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Arriving in Argentina: A Field Experiment With Football Clubs
Last registered on February 26, 2023
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J15, Z2, C93

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Combatting Caste based Discrimination in the Education Sector
Last registered on February 20, 2023
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I24, J15, J18

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Resilience-Thinking Training for College Students
Last registered on February 13, 2023
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I10, I18, I3

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