Search Results

107 Trials Found

Students' knowledge, performance, and satisfaction
Last registered on November 17, 2023
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I20, I23

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Fighting the learning loss: Evaluating C-SEF for university students and staff.
Last registered on November 09, 2023
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C61, C88, C93, D82, H12, I12, I23, I24

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Strengthening Students’ Resilience
Last registered on November 03, 2023
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I21, I23

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College Summer School: Educational Bene fits and Enrollment Preferences
Last registered on November 02, 2023
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I23, M52, M55, C93

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Using Goals to Motivate Students: The role of gender and self-control
Last registered on October 24, 2023
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C93, I23

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Study More Tomorrow
Last registered on October 19, 2023
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I23, D91

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Addressing Barriers to Student Success in Higher Education
Last registered on October 18, 2023
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I21, I23, I24

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Live streaming of university lectures
Last registered on October 18, 2023
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I20, I21, I23, I26

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Motivations to Major in Economics
Last registered on October 12, 2023
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I21, I23

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Weight bias in SET scores
Last registered on October 04, 2023
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A22, C93, I20, I23, J08, J16

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