Search Results

92 Trials Found

Work and Community-Based Childcare Services for Market Women in Uganda
Last registered on November 05, 2023
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J13, J22, O1

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The Roles of Information and Search Frictions in Determining Working Conditions in Bangladesh’s Apparel Sector
Last registered on October 11, 2023
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J22, J28, J31, J32, J63, J81

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Measuring Childcare Arrangements in El Salvador
Last registered on September 20, 2023
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J13, J22, C83

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Reforming social transfer withdrawal rates: Public support and labor supply reactions
Last registered on August 10, 2023
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D10, H24, H30, H55, J22

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Risk Management and Effort Fungibility Experiment
Last registered on July 26, 2023
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D91, C93, G52, J22

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Search Frictions and Self-Selection in Job Matching
Last registered on July 11, 2023
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Valuing the Time of the Self-Employed
Last registered on June 28, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

C93, D03, D61, D91, J22, O12, Q12

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Financial Concerns, Labor Income Discounting, and Labor Market Decisions
Last registered on June 08, 2023
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D91; J22; J24; J31; M52

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