Search Results

944 Trials Found

The effect of information disclosure on borrowing choices
Last registered on February 06, 2023
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C93 (Field Experiments), D14 (Personal Finance), D18 (Consumer Protection), G51 (Household Borrowing)

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What is the value of early response? Multi-country RCT of shock-responsive cash transfers in the Sahel
Last registered on January 24, 2023
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I38: Government Policy – Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs

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Rural Roads and Agricultural Value Chains
Last registered on January 23, 2023
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O18: Urban, Rural, Regional, and Transportation Analysis; R41: Transportation: Demand, Supply, and

Congestion; R42: Government and Private Investment Analysis, Road Maintenance, Transportation

Planning; Q12: Micro Analysis of Farm Firms, Farm Households, and Farm Input Markets

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Edutainment, social network, and ethnic discrimination in rural Bangladesh
Last registered on January 22, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

C93, D9, I31, J15, O12

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Interactions between fixed and mobile recycling facilities: Do personal norms matter?
Last registered on January 10, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

Q53, D10, C93

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