Search Results

427 Trials Found

Estimating Consumer Preferences for and Valuation of Fermented Milk in Senegal
Last registered on March 06, 2024
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D12, D61, D80, O12, O17

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Technology Adoption under Emissions Taxes and Permit Markets with Price Collars
Last registered on March 06, 2024
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C90, D44, H23

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Payoffs, Beliefs, and Cooperation in Infinitely Repeated Games
Last registered on February 28, 2024
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C72, C73, D81, D83

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Subjective risk perception and ambiguity for heatstroke
Last registered on February 16, 2024
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D81, I12

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Empowerment through giving advice
Last registered on February 14, 2024
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C90, D14, G11

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Sunk-cost Effect and Biased Beliefs
Last registered on February 06, 2024
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D81, D83, D91

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On the Detrimental Impact of Non-Events on the Efficiency of Risk Communication
Last registered on February 02, 2024
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I12, D81, D83, C92

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Carrot, Stick or Nudges: Testing the effectiveness of Plastic Bag Compliance Behavior in Islamabad, Pakistan
Last registered on January 31, 2024
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Q53; Q58; D12; Q56; K32

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Drivers of of High-skill Emigration during a Crisis: Experimental evidence from graduates in Myanmar
Last registered on January 31, 2024
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F22, J01, J08, D74, D81, O15

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Enhancing the Capital gains tax on property compliance – a survey experiment.
Last registered on January 23, 2024
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H24, H26, C93, C99, D81, D91

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