O1, O3, I15, Q1
I21 - Analysis of Education
I12, I14, I15, I25
I12, I15
I21, I25, J24, O15
A11, A12, I15, J11, N3
Making; J13 - Fertility • Family Planning • Child Care • Children • Youth; I20 – Education and Research Institutions - General
D91 - Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision
I12, I13, I15, O1
; Compensation and Compensation Methods and Their Effects, M54 - Labor Management , J33 - Compensation
Packages; Payment Methods, L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior, D23 - Organizational Behavior; Transaction Costs; Property Rights,
I25, O15, D04