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345 Trials Found

Train to Serve in the Anaheim Police Department
Last registered on November 29, 2023
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J24 k24

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Gender differences in willingness to lead, the role of confidence
Last registered on November 17, 2023
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J24, J16

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Experimental Evidence on Child Health and Long-run Outcomes in Kenya
Last registered on November 09, 2023
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I10, I20, J24, O15

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The Impact of Soft-Skills Training for entrepreneurs in Jamaica.
Last registered on November 09, 2023
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J24, L25, M13, O12

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Estimating the Demand for Entrepreneurship Programs: Experimental Evidence from Jamaica.
Last registered on November 09, 2023
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D12, I26, J24, L25, O12

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The Effects of Working while in School: Evidence from Employment Lotteries
Last registered on November 09, 2023
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J08, J22, J24, I21, I28, J13

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Returns to Soft-Skills Training for Recent Graduates in Rwanda
Last registered on November 06, 2023
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J24, M53, O12

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Access to Subsidised Employment in North Macedonia
Last registered on November 02, 2023
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I38; O15; J08; J24; J68

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AI and Labour Market Expectations: an Experimental Study
Last registered on November 01, 2023
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J24, D83, D91, I25, I26

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