Search Results

255 Trials Found

Building Strong Foundations: Large-Scale Early Childhood Human Capital Formation in Nepal
Last registered on April 26, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

C93, J13, J24, I21, I25, H11

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Learning Through Play and Early Childhood Education: Evidence from The Gambia
Last registered on April 13, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

H52 I21 I28 I25 I38 J13

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The Impact of Supporting Teacher Excellence in the Early Childhood Classroom
Last registered on April 13, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

I20 General, I32 Measurement and Analysis of Poverty, I21 Analysis of Education

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Re-imagining Education: Do Science Experiments Deliver Quality Education?
Last registered on March 08, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

I21, I25, I28

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Expanding Diversity in Economics
Last registered on March 01, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

A22, I21, J15, J16

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