Search Results

10 Trials Found

Fair Play in a Male Dominated Diversity Setting
Last registered on June 26, 2024
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Puneet Arora

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Research Strategies in Academia
Last registered on May 13, 2024
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Puneet Arora

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Weight bias in SET scores
Last registered on October 04, 2023
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Puneet Arora

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Marks saliency and student performance in a low and high stake exam
Last registered on November 17, 2022
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Puneet Arora

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Do Conversations Nudge Investment Decisions?
Last registered on August 27, 2022
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Puneet Arora

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Framing and Preferred Loan Plan: An Experimental Study
Last registered on August 22, 2022
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Puneet Arora

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I Promise to Work Hard: The Impact of Written Pledge on Student Performance
Last registered on September 09, 2021
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Puneet Arora

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What Are My Chances? Incomplete Information and College Students' Effort
Last registered on January 27, 2021
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Puneet Arora

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