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25 Trials Found

Signaling to increase adoption of agroecological integrated pest management (IPM): a field experiment among maize farmers in Uganda
Last registered on June 08, 2024
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D9 Micro-Based Behavioral Economics, Q5 Environmental Economics

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Behavioral science initiatives to reduce individuals' climate footprint
Last registered on May 13, 2024
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D12, D91, H41, Q5, D72, C93

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Positive Time Preference and Intergenerational Equity
Last registered on April 02, 2024
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D6, D60, D63, D64, D9, D91, H00, H4, H41, H43, Q00, Q5, Q50, Q51, Q56

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Nudging farmers to adopt more climate-friendly practices
Last registered on March 19, 2024
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D9, Q5, Q1

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Relevance of ESG Information in B2B Relationships: Experimental Evidence from Firms in Germany
Last registered on February 16, 2024
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M4, Q5, C9, L14

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Energy efficiency audits for small firms in Mexico
Last registered on March 30, 2023
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D22 Firm Behavior: Empirical Analysis, Q4 Energy, Q5 Environmental Economics

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Fairness in water sharing under climate change
Last registered on January 03, 2023
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Q1, Q25, Q5

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