The American Economic Association's registry for randomized controlled trials
Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.
It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.
First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.
Last updated is the most recent time when changes to the trial's registration were published.
There is information in this trial unavailable to the public. Use the button below to request access.
MD5: b192c1e4b9d467f3237091196235f108
SHA1: 29aa2349a70f40d18c5d8b851e0ef30f052fbb20
Uploaded At: April 02, 2017
MD5: 9854e107e9b37d5c5091c65133b35254
SHA1: ad9bce721ca92c7b62e5cbb6c384c815aa34cc99
MD5: d4916229ae35cd0886963bca222cc0fb
SHA1: 3999477c5ed7848176d0c69739b02bdb152355b1
MD5: 2a0e4ea77d350a879c5e746e1c259bc9
SHA1: 5edbbc64136f9da107ce28859d0997888e654b6e
Uploaded At: January 30, 2017
MD5: eff7bfa01ff01e8f3bd6f609a7fabc2d
SHA1: 167bce4170ee4a95227de6c43a368b2c7821b76c
Uploaded At: November 17, 2016
MD5: ccfd1ad79c6c0c5926a4ad6f6ed2f9c8
SHA1: 4d7faa08c866eaf47726856d71c7affcf62f7132
Uploaded At: September 27, 2016
MD5: 4a3e23a860531ecbf22a885a0f2b7caa
SHA1: bd7dd69735c5a1f9dc4cd501ba0f529a7f91947c
Uploaded At: August 08, 2016